All posts by: AdminD

About AdminD

We’ll Be Tough on Law & Order No more kneeling, politicised police officers More, visible officers to target violent crime, robbery and burglary More, visible officers to target, drug dealers, gangs and knife crime We are increasingly hearing of horror stories of muggings, rape, stabbings, groom gangs and murders. Social media might have a role to […]

We’ll Reduce Household Bills Reduce Household Bills Reduce & Capture Emissions Create UK Jobs Environment We need to discuss several uncomfortable truths with regard to the environment. This is not a climate emergency. This is climate change. Yes, we need to clean up our collective act, but an emergency, No. This is a record of […]

We’ll Reform Care Home Funding Reform Social Care Funding Reinstate Sacked Staff Ringfence longterm personal care fund accounts Social Care Social Care planning. Traditionally, UK Governments collect tax (in different guises), and then spend the monies collected on what they think best. We have a system of robbing Peter to pay Paul which has existed […]

We’ll Cancel Interest on Student Loans On Education ,lets invest more wisely in young people: university students are being ripped off with high fees often for just online learning. Many degree courses could be done in 2 years not 3 years, which could save students thousands of pounds. We would scrap student loans and extend […]

Illegal Immigration It is costing the UK tax payer on average 7  million a day to house these illegal immigrates. That equates to 2.5 billion a year! This is not taking into account the costs associated to our NHS and benefits they would be entitled to. Now, lets look at the bigger picture. so far […]

The Economy I am all for lower taxes, higher growth and smaller government. The issue however, the way I see it is that this mini budget has done nothing to help the lowest paid, nothing to help pensioners, nothing to help the hospitality industry and those most in need. The problem with ‘trickle down’ economics […]

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